Tess Chakkalakal

Affiliation: Africana Studies, English

Tess Chakkalakal[发音为" chahkahl -ickle "]发表了大量买球平台19世纪非裔美国人和美国文学的文章. She is the author of 小说的束缚:19世纪美国的奴隶制、婚姻与自由 (Illinois, 2011) which earned the Robert K. 马丁美国文学最佳书籍奖和“必读”称号 Choice. She is co-editor of 吉姆·克劳、文学和萨顿的遗产. Griggs (Georgia, 2013). She is also co-editor of Imperium in Imperio by Sutton E. Griggs: A Critical Edition (West Virginia Press, 2022).

Her latest book, a biography of Charles W. Chesnutt, will be released by St. Martin’s Press in February. Chakkalakal教授播客系列的第一季 “Dead Writers” 可以从缅因州公共广播电台和其他播客平台获得. 她目前担任Chop Point School和the Maine Maritime Museum的董事会成员.


Office Hours: Wednesdays, noon to 3:00 p.m.

Book Cover  Book Cover  Jim Crow Literature Chakkalakal Book Cover Image  Chakkalakal Novel Bondage Book Cover Image

Left to right: Book covers for 《肤色的问题:查尔斯·W·海明威的生平与小说. ChesnuttImperium in Imperio by Sutton E. Griggs: A Critical Edition吉姆·克劳、文学和萨顿的遗产. Griggs; and 小说的束缚:19世纪美国的奴隶制、婚姻与自由.

Dead Writers Logo
Dead Writers Podcast
《死亡作家》将带领听众走进美国著名作家的家中. 文学,历史,家庭生活,花园,鬼魂,文学评论家 Tess Chakkalakal and novelist Brock Clarke,让伟大的美国作家和他们写的书起死回生.
Tess Chakkalakal Headshot


  • PhD, York University
  • MA, York University
  • BA, University of Toronto
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